The Vision

Through their online magazine, diaTribe Learn, and a growing email subscriber list, the diaTribe Foundation hopes to help people living with diabetes, and build more public awareness around the severity of this growing public health problem.

The Challenges

Misperceptions, stigmas, and an abundance of unreliable information make living with diabetes a challenge. The diaTribe Foundation aims to provide people with diabetes and prediabetes the information and tools they need to live happier, healthier lives, while also enabling treating physicians to provide their patients with better care. Our job: to assess and enhance their communications tools and provide the research and data they need to connect with and help their target audiences.

Ready to Talk?

Results so Far

Through in-depth user interviews, research and development of data analytics tools, an SEO audit and technical support for the diaTribe Learn site, we helped diaTribe optimize their web presence and more effectively and efficiently engage with their subscribers.

The Work

Our first task: clean up technical debt from previous rounds of development to improve site performance and functionality. Then, an SEO audit and extensive audience research, to identify opportunities for enhancement. We also reviewed data analytics and clarified goals to produce a set of data dashboards using Google Data Studio. The dashboards track email subscriber growth, email deliverability factors and website content engagement, replacing a cumbersome, legacy analytics process with a massively time-saving and flexible solution.