The Vision

A country powered by clean, solar energy, united by a network of resilient local communities.

The Challenge

Solar United Neighbors was on the cusp of a breakthrough. Laying the groundwork for their brand and their theory of change, they were ready to activate citizens on a state-by-state basis, supporting our transition to a solar powered economy. They needed identity design and a new website to get there.

Ready to Talk?

Results so Far

A new web site and content strategy with 14 times the page views, double the time spent on site, and a 15% overall decrease in bounce rate, resulting in increased paid membership and overall list-building for Solar United Neighbors.

Solar United Neighbors

The Work

With a collaborative and light-touch brand strategy, a narrative-driven strategic brief and content strategy, we laid the groundwork for a clear audience ladder of engagement across both the national and state-based websites.

Our identity work, combined with a clear story, technical support and expertise across best CRM and CMS practices has resulted in an evolving web site that is converting users and engaging brand new audiences.

See it live