The Vision

Cancer Commons and xCures are combining AI and machine learning with a personal concierge model to improve outcomes and quality of life for patients suffering from advanced cancer. Their focus is getting treatments and cures to patients faster and more efficiently than clinical trials, which can take years and cost millions.


The Challenges

For many patients with rare or advanced cancer, the chances of getting into a study to gain access to critical treatment are slim to none. The Cancer Commons solution: build a continuous learning system to discover new and innovative treatment options. xCures, a for-profit sibling organization, develops the AI and machine learning technology to power this continuous learning system. Our job: tell the story of these two organizations online, attracting and converting new, extremely high-touch audiences.


Ready to Talk?

Results so Far

By developing a narrative and content strategy that spoke to the unique and specialized needs of patients and physicians, we created a patient-centered web platform that has increased newsletter sign-up to 57%. Audiences are better able to identify content that is directly relevant to them, and find support during a critically important time in their lives.

The Work

Cancer Commons and xCures have a serious mission with no time to waste. Based in the Silicon Valley, they are working at the pace of a startup, with tight resources and hugely ambitious goals. We worked with them to help them articulate their theories of change, visualize their approach to that change, develop it across both websites, and create content strategy and copy to help motivate and convert their core audiences. Not only did they need help telling their organizational stories, they needed our support thinking through how those stories are actualized across the entire spectrum of the audience journey. Overcoming barriers to understanding the role of AI and machine learning in cancer treatment, combined with a highly customized, personal concierge approach for users with complicated cancer diagnoses, is no easy feat — but the value proposition is way too important to risk any confusion.

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