Apply the Science of Narrative to Reach Your Underserved Audiences.

Learn How to:

  • Apply tried and true audience research
  • Tailor content strategy to underserved populations
  • Increase conversions

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Why Now, More Than Ever?

Given the inequitable impacts of our current crisis, it’s more important than ever that we communicate with vulnerable populations, including:

  • Older Adults
  • People of Color
  • Low -Income Households
  • The Uninsured
  • Lower-Literacy Adults
  • Caregivers

How do we reach these populations when in-person contact isn’t possible?

We’ve been thinking a lot about our experience reaching these populations successfully online and how it might be useful right now. We’ve learned it’s not just a question of reaching these audiences — we also need to build lasting relationships to sustain their engagement over time.

In our work building message frameworks to recruit 340k+ older adults to health programs, we’ve learned several lessons that can help with this challenge. We applied the science of narrative to engage regular people in the fight to end a major disease and have tested health-related messages with diverse populations 55 and over.

Get the Tools to Reach Your Audience Today

Let us guide you to reach older adults or other vulnerable groups online.

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The Impact

  • 27% Sign-up rate achieved for an at-home genotyping program
  • 340+k Healthy adults recruited to Alzheimer’s prevention studies
  • 20-40% Home page conversion rates for Alzheimer’s Prevention Registry

How We Do It.

Provoc offers a range of services to support organizations tackling tough communications challenges.

Content strategy

Users will turn repeatedly to clear, credible content to stay informed about complex topics.

Lower literacy users

We make sure your online communications are suitable for the 43% of adults who navigate the web differently than high literacy users.

Campaign strategy

Audiences may be hard to reach, but not impossible. We focus on the platforms that work for older adults and other groups.

Quantitative and qualitative research

From messaging and creative testing to focus groups and interviews, we dig deep to connect with hard-to-reach populations.

User research

Increase conversion rates by researching how actual users navigate your site and understanding what they need and want but aren’t getting.

Equity lens

We think critically about equity in both the processes we’re executing and the products we’re creating in our work with you.

What They’re Saying

Our Clients

Learn How to Engage Your Audience More Effectively

If you’re trying to reach older adults or other vulnerable populations online and feeling stuck, we’re here to help.

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